Final Major Project // 1-2-1 //

I received positive and encouraging feedback on my Final Major Project proposal this week. Wendy did say that the project direction was not completely clear, which I agree with as I do feel I have an overall direction that I am aiming for, but not yet sure how to clearly present my intent. This may be because I have a few layers/Ideas that I need to experiment with, so I can refine my overall direction.

Below are my meeting notes.

Date of Supervision Meeting


Start time of Meeting

 2pm GMT 

Length of Meeting in minutes


Meeting Notes & Action Points

  • Received feedback of proposal. 

  • Start to clarify my intent.

  • Explore shooting in different light.

  • Don't shy away from exploring different directions... start constructing my still life photos. 

  • Research work from 

  • Matthew Brantd -

  • Thomas Joshua Cooper.

  • Watch Jack Latham guest lecture and looking into sugar paper theories.

  • Investigate Rewilding. 

  • Revisit the work of Susan Lipper.

  • Bring PDF of images to the next meeting.

Date of Next Proposed Meeting